
Fluent Bit
Statement on CVE-2024-4323 and its fix
We'd like to make sure you’re aware of a security vulnerability (known as CVE-2024-4323) that impacts Fluent Bit versions 2.0.7 through 3.0.3. The latest version of Fluent Bit, version 3.0.4, fixes this issue.
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Explaining the Fluent Bit processor

Fluent Bit 2.1.2 introduced customization logic for input and output plugins called Processors (not to be confused with the Stream Processor). Here's an example of its use.

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Fluent Bit

Fluent Bit and Fluentd – a child or a successor?

Fluent Bit may have started as a sibling to Fluentd, but it is fair to say that it has now grown up and is Fluentd's equal. Learn which is right for your needs and how they can be used together.

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Fluent Bit or Fluentd
Calyptia + Lua + AI

Transform your logs in-flight with Lua, AI, and Calyptia

Learn how Calyptia lets you create custom processing rules to transform your data using Lua and how Calyptia integrates AI to simplify data processing.

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Fluent Bit v3

Fluent Bit v3 gives users greater control of their data and telemetry pipelines

New release allows filtering of Windows and MacOS metrics, supports SQL for parsing logs, adds support for HTTP/2, and more.

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Send Distributed Traces To AWS X-Ray Using Fluent Bit

Send distributed traces to AWS X-Ray using Fluent Bit

Distributed tracing helps identify performance bottlenecks, optimize resource utilization, and troubleshoot issues in distributed systems. In this post, we'll guide you through the process of sending distributed traces to AWS X-Ray using Fluent Bit.

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Fluent Bit

A practical guide for avoiding data loss and backpressure problems with Fluent Bit

Learn how to detect and avoid backpressure problems with Fluent Bit by balancing memory-based and filesystem-based buffering.

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Chronosphere + Calyptia

Calyptia joins Chronosphere to build the future of observability

Today we are excited to announce that Calyptia is now part of Chronosphere. This will bring new benefits and opportunities to both Calyptia and Chronosphere customers while we continue to provide a vendor neutral approach to control observability data to any backend.

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Processing Custom IIS server logs with Fluent Bit, Wasm, and Rust

Processing Custom IIS server logs with Fluent Bit, Wasm, and Rust

Create a custom processing script for IIS logs written in Rust and implemented using the Fluent Bit Wasm plugin.

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Calyptia Core adds support for Redpanda

Calyptia Core adds support for Redpanda

Calyptia Core now supports Redpanda as a destination for high-volume streaming data pipelines.

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Fluent Bit

Fluent Bit: One Telemetry Agent for All your Data Needs

Watch Fluent Bit original creator Eduardo Silva present an overview of the open source project during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America in November 2023.

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Fluent Bit and Kubernetes logos

Kubernetes Metadata Enrichment with Fluent Bit (with Troubleshooting Tips)

Learn how to enrich Kubelet logs with metadata from the K8s API server along with troubleshooting tips for common misconfigurations.

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illustration of woman sitting at comuter with a question mark over her head

Logging Deep Dive and Best Practices

In this video from KubeCon, the Calyptia team discusses the challenges of logging and then demonstrates best practices and monitoring and operations with Fluent Bit

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Fluent Bit version 2.2

Meet Fluent Bit v2.2!

Announcing the release of Fluent Bit v2.2! Watch the project update from Observability Day at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America and read about some of the highlights from the new release.

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Fluent Bit bird logo with logos of Prometheus and Kubernetes

Convert Logs To Metrics in Legacy Applications Using Fluent Bit

Learn how Fluent Bit can derive metrics from application logs, helping to bridge the gap between limited telemetry sources and comprehensive system observability.

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Calyptia bird logo on purple and black background

Observability with Eduardo Silva: Software Engineering Daily Podcast

Host Lee Atchison interviews Calyptia CEO Eduardo Silva on the challenges of gathering and routing observability data in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

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Dynamic Log routing using WASM and Fluent Bit

Dynamic Log Routing Based On Kubernetes Labels using Fluent Bit & WASM

Learn how to use Fluent Bit's WASM plugin to process and evaluate Kubernetes labels in streaming logs and determine where the log data should be routed for storage.

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Creating custom processing rules for Fluent Bit with Lua

Creating custom processing rules for Fluent Bit with Lua

What if you need a Fluent Bit filter plugin that doesn't exist yet? Thankfully, for these situations, the official Lua filter plugin for Fluent Bit allows users to write custom Lua scripts to process streaming data.  Learn how in this post.

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Fluent Bit downloads

Fluent Bit surpasses 10 billion Docker pulls!

That’s billion, with a “B.”

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Illustration including logos of Fluent Bit, Slack, and Elastic

Enforcing structured logging across applications using Fluent Bit

In this article, we will leverage Fluent Bit’s log processing capabilities to ensure consistent structured logging across applications using two different methods. In addition, we demonstrate how to send alerts to Slack when the logs are not properly formatted.

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Fluent Bit: Alerting via Slack when log destination is unreachable

Fluent Bit: Alerting via Slack when the log destination is unreachable

Learn how to use Fluent Bit to identify irregularities in the data pipeline as they occur and send alerts to Slack

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Scaling ARM builds with Actuated

Calyptia fixed its failing Arm builds for open-source Fluent Bit and accelerated our commercial development by adopting Actuated and bare-metal runners.

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How to Collect Kubernetes Component Logs Using Fluent Bit

Learn how to collect logs from Kubernetes components (such as kube-proxy, kubelet, etc.) and send them to the destination of your choice using Fluent Bit.

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Abstract illustration of Kubernetes metadata

Use Fluent Bit to Enrich Logs with Kubernetes Metadata, Automatically

Learn how Kubernetes metadata can enhance traceability and enrich diagnostics and how Fluent Bit makes it possible

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Fluent Bit Summer Series

Fluent Bit Summer Webinar Series

Extending over six weeks in July and August, Calyptia will offer three webinars hosted by Fluent Bit maintainers and contributors.

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Stylized illustration of the Chicago skyline

Observability Day at Kubecon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023

Calyptia is proud to sponsor Observability Day, a co-located event during Kubecon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 to be held on November 6, 2023, in Chicago, IL.

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Photo of user at computer from over their left shoulder

Protecting Customer Data with Calyptia Core

Calyptia Core lets you identify sensitive data and redact, remove, or hash it midstream before it is stored where it doesn’t need to be stored.

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Calyptia: Fleet telemetry data multiplexer in front of pipelines

Media Mention: Intellyx on Calyptia

Calyptia Core has a "a front-row seat to filter data streams at their point of ingress."

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Leveraging Forward Protocol in Fluent for Log Forwarding

Understanding the lightweight and efficient Fluent forward protocol that allows for the transmission of logs across different nodes or systems in real-time.

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Illustration containing logs of Fluent Bit, Kubernetes, and Grafana

Visualizing Kubernetes Metrics using Fluent Bit & Grafana

Visualizing Kubernetes metrics using Fluent Bit and Grafana can provide numerous benefits to organizations running complex modern cloud-native applications.

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Getting started with Calyptia Core

Getting Started with Calyptia Core

A video demonstration of installing Calyptia Core and using the UI to create an auto-healing, auto-scaling telemetry pipeline to send data to OpenSearch.

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Getting Started with Calyptia Core and New Relic: Data Obfuscation

A video demonstration of using Calyptia Core to gather telemetry data, process it in mid-stream, and route it to New Relic for storage and analysis.

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decorative illustration with Fluent Bit bird incorporated

Fluent Bit and Beats: Two Approaches to a Task

Fluent Bit and Beats data shippers from Elastic take dramatically different approaches to collecting and routing telemetry data. Here's an overview.

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How to collect metrics from multiple sources with Fluent Bit

How to Collect Metrics from Multiple Sources with Fluent Bit

How to collect application metrics and system metrics using Fluent Bit and push them to a visualization tool like Grafana.

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Efficient Log Management with Fluent Bit and Amazon s3

Efficient Log Management with Fluent Bit and Amazon S3

Learn how to collect metrics and logs using Fluent Bit and forward them to Amazon S3 for cost-effective storage.

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Beginner’s Guide to Observability and Monitoring in Kubernetes

An exploration of observability in Kubernetes

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Why Metrics Matter: A Guide to Effective Performance Measurement

An overview of the vital role that metrics play in observability and monitoring along with an overview of some of the types of metrics most closely used.

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Too Much Success — How Calyptia Solved an Unusual Problem with a Team's SIEM Adoption

Too Much Success? — How Calyptia Solved an Unusual Problem with a Team’s SIEM Adoption

Calyptia recently helped a customer eliminate the volume of noisy data flowing into their SIEM platform and add capacity for monitoring additional systems.

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Gestalt IT: Enterprise Observability Based on Fluent Bit for Telemetry Pipelines

Stephen Foskett writes, "Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Calyptia offering is the possibility that it could enable new value to be extracted from data."

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KubeCon Recap

Community in Bloom: A KubeCon EU 2023 Recap

Highlights from Observability Day and KubeCon EU in Amsterdam, including information on the release of Calyptia Core 2.0 featuring Fleet Management.

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Highlights from Observability Day Europe

Highlights and Takeaways from Observability Day at KubeCon EU 2023

Highlights from Observability Day at KubeCon, including updates from the major CNCF observability projects, as well as the topics that everyone was discussing.

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Powering Custom Metric Collection in On-Prem Apps with Fluent Bit

Powering Custom Metric Collection in On-Prem Apps with Fluent Bit

Learn how to build a robust monitoring pipeline using Fluent Bit, Prometheus, and New Relic.

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Announcing Calyptia Core 2.0

Calyptia Core 2.0 Introduces Fleet Management and More

Calyptia Core 2.0 now has fleet management, a major new feature that unlocks time savings and engineering productivity.

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Getting Started with Monitoring: Fluent Bit and Prometheus Metrics 101

Getting Started with Monitoring: Fluent Bit and Prometheus Metrics 101

Use Fluent Bit with Prometheus and Grafana for metrics collection and analysis.

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InfoWorld logo

InfoWorld: 6 ways to avoid and reduce data debt

Calyptia’s Erik Bledsoe is quoted in this article from InfoWorld about steps data teams can take to avoid or reduce data debt risks.

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Building an Observability Pipeline with OpenTelemetry and Fluent Bit

Building an Observability Pipeline with OpenTelemetry and Fluent Bit

Building an observability pipeline using OpenTelemetry and Fluent Bit

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The Top Open Source Tools for Observability

The Top Open Source Tools for Observability

The number of tools for observability is overwhelming. We sort through the noise and discuss the major open source projects used in observability efforts.

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Handling Multiline Logs with Fluent Bit: Configuration and Best Practices

Handling Multiline Logs with Fluent Bit: Configuration and Best Practices

Without proper handling, multiline logs can be difficult to read and interpret.

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Sending Java applications logs to Elasticsearch using Fluent Bit

Sending Java applications logs to Elasticsearch using Fluent Bit

Send Java logs to Elasticsearch using FB's flexible logging pipeline.

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Anurag Gupta on the Unpacked Network Podcast

Observability, Fluentd, and Fluent Bit with Calyptia [Podcast]

Chris Evans of The Unpacked Netword chats with Anurag Gupta, co-founder at Calyptia, about the requirements for system observability, specifically using Fluentd and Fluent Bit.

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Tracee now

Tracee Now Natively Supports Fluent Bit and Fluentd

Aquasec’s Tracee tool supports sending events directly to Fluent

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Why the Evolution of Observability Is Naturally Migrating Toward Open Source

Why the Evolution of Observability Is Naturally Migrating Toward Open Source

Open-source tools are essential to meeting today’s observability challenges.

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Sending logs to Loki using Fluent Bit

How to send Logs to Loki using Fluent Bit

Use Fluent Bit to send logs to Loki rather than the Grafana agent

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Reducing the high cost of observability

Reducing the High Cost of Observability

Observability budgets cannot keep pace with the volume of telemetry data.

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Calyptia in the Press — Container Journal

Container Journal: How To Avoid Cloud-Native Observability Tooling Sprawl

Calyptia co-founder Anurag Gupta's guest post in Container Journal

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“Thou art the muse of logs”: ChatGPT’s Love Sonnet to Fluent Bit

“Thou art the muse of logs”: ChatGPT’s Love Sonnet to Fluent Bit

We asked ChatGPT how it felt about Fluent Bit. It responded with a sonnet.

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Need for Low-Code/No-Code Observability Pipeline Solutions

Observability Democratized: The Need for Low-Code/No-Code Observability Pipeline Solutions

We must reenvision how we manage and configure our telemetry pipelines

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Datanami: Calyptia in the Press

InfoWorld: Why observability in dataops?

Eduardo Silva on routing data to a variety of destinations.

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Send logs to Elasticsearch using Fluent Bit

Send Logs to Elasticsearch Service using Fluent Bit

A how-to guide demonstrating how to send logs to Elasticsearch using Fluent Bit.

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Fluent Bit meets RISC-V

Fluent Bit meets RISC-V

We tested Fluent Bit on RISC-V. Here’s what we learned.

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Avoiding Tool Sprawl in Your Observability Stack

Avoiding Tool Sprawl in Your Observability Stack

Why tool sprawl is so common in observability and how to avoid it

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Improving Fluent Bit Supply Chain Security with Cosign from OpenSSF

Improving Fluent Bit Supply Chain Security with Cosign from OpenSSF

Fluent Bit is now a part of the OpenSSF landscape

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Datanami: Calyptia in the Press

Datanami: Fluentd & Fluent Bit and the Rise of Roll-Your-Own Observability

Anurag Gupta discusses efforts to control the cost of observability data

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Talking Growth podcast from Instruqt

Talking Growth: Growing a Startup in the Observability Space

Calyptia co-founder Anurag Gupta is a guest on the "Talking Growth" podcast

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Fluent Bit 2.0 and OpenSearch

OpenSearch Blog: Fluent Bit 2.0 and OpenSearch

How to get started with Fluent Bit v2.0 & OpenSearch.

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Observability Day at Kubecon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023

Observability Day at Kubecon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023

Join us at Kubecon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023 on April 18, 2023, in Amsterdam

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Configure, Manage, and Simplify Your Observability Data Pipelines with the Calyptia Core Docker Extension

Configure, Manage, and Simplify Your Observability Data Pipelines with the Calyptia Core Docker Extension

Try Calyptia Core using our new Docker Desktop extension.

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Calyptia in the Press

Inside Analysis: Observability in 2023

Inside Analysis spoke to Calyptia co-founder Eduardo Silva to get some insight into what 2023 has in store for observability professionals.

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What I found: Weekly Interviews with startup founders and entrepreneurs

What I Found: Interview with Calyptia Co-founder Anurag Gupta

Calyptia co-founder Anurag Gupta is interviewed by What I Found where he discusses the impetus behind starting Calyptia, the fundraising process, and more.

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Calyptia Core was cited in 2022 Gartner Predicts 2023 Observing and Optimizing the Adaptive Organization report

Calyptia Core cited in 2022 Gartner® Predicts 2023: Observing and Optimizing the Adaptive Organization report

Gartner® report predicts telemetry pipeline products like Calyptia Core will see increased adoption from enterprises in 2023.

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Key Observability Takeaways from this year's KubeCon

Key Observability Takeaways from KubeCon

Reflections on KubeCon North America 2022 and Open Observability Day and where observability is headed.

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Benchmarking Fluent Bit

Benchmarking Fluent Bit

We put Fluent Bit to the test to see if it can handle tens of thousands of messages a second. tldr: it can

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decorative image showing logs of ClickHouse and Fluent Bit

ClickHouse Blog: Sending Kubernetes logs To ClickHouse with Fluent Bit

The second in a series of guest posts dedicated to sending log data to ClickHouse Cloud using Fluent Bit, this time with a focus on Kubernetes logs.

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Press Release: Calyptia Announces General Availability of Calyptia Core

Calyptia Core Now in General Availability

Today we are announcing the general availability of Calyptia Core . Core is a Kubernetes solution for simplifying the configuration and management of observability data pipelines.

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Press Release: Calyptia Announces General Availability of Calyptia Core

Press Release: Calyptia Announces General Availability of Calyptia Core

Calyptia announces the immediate availability of Calyptia Fluent Bit in the AWS Marketplace

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Fluent Bit v2

Press Release: Fluent Bit v2 Adds Full Support for OpenTelemetry, Prometheus and WebAssembly Plugins

Calyptia announces the release of Fluent Bit v2.0

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decorative image showing logs of ClickHouse and Fluent Bit

ClickHouse Blog: Sending Nginx logs to ClickHouse with Fluent Bit

A guest post showing how to route logs to a ClickHouse database with Fluent Bit

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Fluent Bit reaches 3 billion deployments

CNCF Blog Post: Fluent Bit Surpasses Three Billion Downloads!

Less than six months ago, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and the Fluent Bit community announced that Fluent Bit had been downloaded and deployed over one billion times. Fluent Bit has now tripled that achievement, surpassing the three billion mark in early October.

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Decorative image used by the OpenShift London Meetup Group

Openshift London Community Meetup September 2022

A wrap-up of Patrick Stephens's presentation at the meetup

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Press Release: Calyptia for Fluent Bit Now Available in AWS Marketplace

Calyptia for Fluent Bit Now Available in AWS Marketplace

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decorative design with Calyptia bird and Fluent Bit bird

Fluent Bit Tips & Tricks: Agile Iteration and Simple Debugging

Tips and tricks for diagnosing issues you might encounter while using Fluent Bit

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decorative illustration incorporating the Clayptia logo

Save 30% or More on your Splunk Bill with Calyptia Fluent Bit

As organizations move to cloud-native computing, container density and data volume keep on growing. Data…

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OpenSearch logo

OpenSearch Blog: Using Fluent Bit and OpenSearch with Bottlerocket and Kubelet logs

Run OpenSearch with the OpenSearch Operator on Kubernetes using the Bottlerocket and add Fluent Bit to collect logs from the nodes of the same K8s cluster.

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decorative illustration incorporating the Calyptia logo as well as other open source project logos

Using eBPF with Fluent Bit and Tracee: How to forward eBPF output to any destination

How to combine eBPF monitoring with the Tracee tool with the ability to send to any destination (Grafana, Elastic, Datadog, Splunk, etc.) using Fluent Bit.

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Open Observability Day North America, Monday, October 24, 2022

Announcing Open Observability Day at KubeCon North America

Calyptia is a proud sponsor of this co-located conference to be held at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022

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decorative illustration containing the Calyptia logo

Troubleshooting your Fluent Bit Configuration with Calyptia Cloud

A guide to using Calyptia Cloud to visualize and troubleshoot your Fluent Bit configuration files by validating them against common errors

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Decorative image used by the OpenShift London Meetup Group

OpenShift London Community Meetup June 2022

Patrick Stephens presents highlights from the recent FluentCon and KubeCon conferences in Valencia to the Openshift Community Meetup in the Red Hat offices in London

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decorative illustration containing the Calyptia logo

Logs, OpenMetrics, and OpenTelemetry All-in-One

More than just a log processor, Fluent Bit is the central component of your observability pipeline, allowing you to gather and process logs, metrics, and traces and send them to any other application for analysis.

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The Present and Future States of Fluent Bit

The Present and Future States of Fluent Bit

In the final of a three-part series, we look at the current state of Fluent Bit and ongoing efforts to expand its functionality, including support for traces and OpenTelemetry.

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Fluent Bit - Designed for Cloud and Containerized Environments

Fluent Bit: Designed for Cloud and Containerized Environments

In the second of a three-post series, we examine why Fluent Bit is a better solution than Fluentd for containers and microservices and the challenges facing developers in this era.

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The Fluent Ecosystem - More than just Fluentd and Fluent Bit

The Fluent Ecosystem

More than just Fluentd and Fluent Bit. The Fluent Ecosystem is a concept that you should be able to integrate with different systems, different architectures, and other projects.

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Announcing Calyptia for Fluent Bit

I’m writing this from my hotel room in Valencia, Spain, where tomorrow morning I will…

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Calyptia Announces the General Availability of Calyptia For Fluent Bit

A Long Term Support Version And Professional Services Plan For Enterprises Running Fluent Bit As Part Of Their IT Infrastructure.

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Gartner Recognizes Calyptia as a Cool Vendor in Monitoring and Observability

Catching up With Calyptia: Gartner Names Calyptia a ‘Cool Vendor’ In Observability and Monitoring and FluentCon Kicks Off Next Week!

Download a complimentary copy of the Cool Vendor report and learn why Gartner thinks that what we are doing at Calyptia is cool.

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Gartner Recognizes Calyptia as a Cool Vendor in Monitoring and Observability

Calyptia Named a Cool Vendor by Gartner

Calyptia named a Cool Vendor in Observability and Monitoring for Logging and Containers

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Fluent Bit - Logs, OpenMetrics, and OpenTelemetry all-in-one

Logs, OpenMetrics, and OpenTelemetry All-in-one

In this presentation, you will learn how to collect and aggregate Logs, Metrics, and Traces all together without losing control of your data by connecting different protocols at scale.

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Red Hat X Podcast Series

Podcast: First Mile Observability: Immediate, Actionable Systems Intelligence

Traditionally, enterprise observability solutions have required event data to be routed to back-end storage before any centralized analysis and reporting could take place. First Mile Observability shifts this whole process left, enabling observability immediately when and where the data is created.

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FluentCon flyer

Join us at Fluentcon Europe – The Largest Gathering of Fluent Experts Ever!

Co-Located with the Kubecon Europe conference, this action-packed event will enable beginners to hit the ground running and will provide experts with best practices for optimizing even the most complicated observability pipelines.

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Screenshot of the Sandbox environment

Introducing the Calyptia Sandbox Environment for Fluent Bit

Jump right in, get your hands dirty, and quickly learn one of the most powerful tools for enterprise observability. No set up or sign up required.

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OpenSearch logo

OpenSearch Blog: Getting started with Fluent Bit and OpenSearch

The release of Fluent Bit 1.9 included a number of new features, but the one feature we are really excited about is the OpenSearch plugin for Fluent Bit.

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