Openshift London Community Meetup September 2022
Openshift London Community Meetup September 2022
After my previous talk covering KubeCon EU highlights, I was invited back to the Openshift London Community Meetup to provide a quick overview of Fluent Bit and how to use it to target multiple endpoints/vendors/etc. for observability. The presentation was based in part on a previous blog post covering observability with Fluent Bit to Grafana, Elastic, and Datadog cloud offerings. For this presentation, I also added a Fluent Bit overview plus live demos showing S3 outputs as well.
After travelling down and with a quick detour to the new Couchbase London offices to see old colleagues, I settled down for the community session near Monument at the Red Hat offices.
Unfortunately, I was in the unfavoured position of the final talk before we all attacked the free food and drinks, but it was still a good session! My slides are all below with a pre-recorded longer demo included.
In this case, it was for the Openshift community, so I used Openshift to run the demos, but there is no inherent dependency or requirement to use Openshift for it — it will run perfectly well on other flavours of Kubernetes.
The other talks covered a varied set of topics from using KNative to run artificial neurons (stateless containers), to the joys of GitOps. The Meetup is well worth joining if you can next time.
The Openshift London community meeting is semi-regular, and I know Dario is always keen to get new speakers so feel free to join or message here:
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Statement on CVE-2024-4323 and its fix
We'd like to make sure you’re aware of a security vulnerability (known as CVE-2024-4323) that impacts Fluent Bit versions 2.0.7 through 3.0.3. The latest version of Fluent Bit, version 3.0.4, fixes this issue.