Avoiding Tool Sprawl in Your Observability Stack

Avoiding Tool Sprawl in Your Observability Stack

Written by Erik Bledsoe in Media Mentionson January 27, 2023

Avoiding Tool Sprawl in Your Observability Stack

Calyptia co-founder Anurag Gupta recently penned a guest article for APMdigest on “Avoiding Tool Sprawl in Your Observability Practice.”

In the piece, Anurag noted that while tool sprawl is by no means unique to observability efforts, it is commonplace in the practice for a variety of reasons, including:

  • The relative newness of observability adoption and the large number of vendors offering products

  • The difficulty of practicing observability due to the exponential growth of the data produced

  • The variety of data types that must be analyzed for full observability


Anurag explained some of the consequences of tool sprawl before offering tips for reducing or avoiding and/or reducing tool sprawl:

  • Know your needs

  • Evaluate the tools you are using

  • Adopt tools that support open standards

Check out the full article for more details.

Calyptia Can Help Reduce Observability Tool Sprawl

Reducing tool sprawl can be painful, especially if you have previously invested in tools whose makers view vendor lock-in as a business strategy. However, the results are worth the effort, assuming you follow the advice Anurag shares. You are likely to see substantially reduced costs, improved efficiency, faster time to insights, and better visibility into your systems.

Calyptia can help you reduce tool sprawl and avoid vendor lock-in.

As creators and maintainers of the open source Fluent Bit project–the industry standard logging and metrics processor and forwarder (with billions of deployments)–Calyptia is dedicated to providing vendor-neutral products and services to support and empower your observability practice. As of v2.0, Fluent Bit is fully compatible with OpenTelemetry.

Calyptia Core—our enterprise product—is powered by Fluent Bit and provides a click-and-drag interface for configuring and managing your telemetry pipelines. It enables any organization to quickly aggregate observability data at scale and to ensure that all data is captured, transformed, and routed as desired using a single agent (Fluent Bit) for all backends.

From any source and to any destination, Calyptia and Fluent Bit ensure your data are where you need them to be.

To learn more about how Calyptia can help you reduce your observability tool sprawl, contact us.

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