Need for Low-Code/No-Code Observability Pipeline Solutions

Observability Democratized: The Need for Low-Code/No-Code Observability Pipeline Solutions

Written by Erik Bledsoe in Media Mentionson February 8, 2023

Observability Democratized: The Need for Low-Code/No-Code Observability Pipeline Solutions

Calyptia co-founder Anurag Gupta recently penned a guest article for devmio  titled “Need for Low-Code/No-Code Observability Pipeline Solutions.”

In the piece, Anurag posits that observability data analysis platforms have come a long way toward ease of use, thereby enabling faster and easier answers to their users’ questions. However, the management of the telemetry pipelines that gather and feed data into those systems still “requires a level of technical acumen and comfort with the command line that is common only with developers and SysAdmins.”

“A proper observability pipeline,” Anurag writes, “should be as flexible as the analytics tools currently used by practitioners.”

To achieve this, Anurag calls for a no-code/low-code approach to the observability pipeline that will help democratize observability and “allow us to ask and answer questions that are today unimagined, identify and resolve performance issues faster, reduce costs, and more.”

Check out the full article for more details.

How Calyptia is Answering the Call

As creators and maintainers of the open source Fluent Bit project–the industry standard logging and metrics processor and forwarder (with billions of deployments)–Calyptia is dedicated to providing vendor-neutral products and services to support and empower your observability practice. As of v2.0, Fluent Bit is fully compatible with OpenTelemetry.

Calyptia Core—our enterprise product—is powered by Fluent Bit and provides a click-and-drag interface for configuring and managing your telemetry pipelines. It enables any organization to quickly aggregate observability data at scale and to ensure that all data is captured, transformed, and routed as desired using a single agent (Fluent Bit) for all backends.

From any source and to any destination, Calyptia and Fluent Bit ensure your data are where you need them to be.

To learn more about how Calyptia can help you simplify the configuration and management of your telemetry pipeline, contact us.

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