
Fluent Bit Summer Webinar Series

Written by Calyptia Team in Newson July 20, 2023

Fluent Bit Summer Webinar Series

Calyptia is pleased to announce the Fluent Bit Summer Webinar Series. Extending over six weeks in July and August, Calyptia will offer three webinars hosted by Fluent Bit maintainers and contributors. Each webinar will focus on best practices and advanced uses of Fluent Bit. They can be viewed individually or as a series, and all will be available on-demand following the live debut. 

View the full list and register below.

Fluent Bit Summer Series

Fluent Bit: Advanced Routing to All Your Destinations

July 27, 2023, 3:00 p.m. EDT / Now available on demand

Unlike many other data collection agents, Fluent Bit can route logs, metrics, and traces to multiple destinations such as Kafka, Splunk, Elasticsearch, and more. 

In this webinar you'll learn:

  1. How data interpreted through a pipeline and routed to destinations using Fluent Bit tags 

  2. Sending data to two or more destinations

  3. How you can use routing and filters to process data independently

Presenter: Pat Stephens, Tech Lead of Infrastructure at Calyptia

[watch now on demand]

Advanced Processing with Fluent Bit 

August 10, 2023, 3:00 p.m. EDT / Now available on demand

Fluent Bit has a number of features to help users enrich, redact, remove, or reduce logs as they are moving through data pipeline.

In this webinar we will go through the following:

  1. Introduction to Processing with Fluent Bit

  2. Advanced Lua and Stream Processing

  3. Processing in the Real World - Best Practices for Redaction, Reduction, Enrichment & Tagging

Presenters: Thiago Padilha, Software Engineer, and Anurag Gupta, Co-founder of Calyptia

[Watch now on demand]

Fluent Bit Operations & Best Practices

August 24, 2023, 3:00 p.m. EDT / Now available on demand

Fluent Bit’s agnostic approach allows it to fit into a multiplicity of environments. With the wide variance of use cases, there are many ways to structure Fluent Bit to fit a system's specific needs. This webinar will show some of the common architecture patterns Fluent Bit utilizes & how to monitor those set-ups while in production.

Presenter: Jose Lecaros, Customer Support Manager at Calyptia

[Watch now on demand]

About Fluent Bit and Calyptia

Fluent Bit is a CNCF graduated open source project for collecting, processing, and routing logs, metrics, and trace data. Created by the founders of Calyptia, Fluent Bit has been billions of times, and  it is the default telemetry pipeline agent deployed in major Kubernetes distributions, including Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and, AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

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