Open Observability Day North America, Monday, October 24, 2022

Announcing Open Observability Day at KubeCon North America

Written by Erik Bledsoe in Newson July 18, 2022

Announcing Open Observability Day at KubeCon North America

The folks from Calyptia who attended KubeCon Europe back in May were excited to see the large number of sessions devoted to observability and to engage in those conversations. So when Calyptia co-founder Eduardo Silva reached out to CNCF to suggest a co-located event dedicated to observability for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America they loved the idea as much as we did.

Open Observability Day North America (#OpenO11yDay) is now a real thing, and Calyptia is a proud Diamond sponsor. It will happen on October 24, 2022. Registration is now open. You can sign up to attend only Open Observability Day or add it to your KubeCon registration package. (Even if you’ve already registered for Kubecon North America, you can add Open Observability Day to your itinerary.)

Open Observability Day couldn’t be more timely as observability has become a top priority for organizations of all types and sizes. A recent report sponsored by VMware showed that the adoption of observability practices grew more than 25% in the past year with similar growth predicted for the coming year. The most recent CNCF Annual Survey suggests the growth is a result of Kubernetes having finally “crossed the chasm” and become mainstream.

As enterprise IT operations grow increasingly complex, with hybrid and multi-cloud deployments of microservices, observability becomes ever more important and ever more difficult. More than 97% of respondents to the VMware survey reported challenges monitoring their cloud application environments.

At Calyptia, we strongly believe that open source tooling (like Prometheus and our own Fluent Bit) and open standards (like OpenTelemetry) are essential to meeting these observability challenges.  Observability is too complex for an all-in-one solution, and as a result, many projects and technologies will need to interoperate to ensure organizations are able to build and maintain robust observability pipelines. That’s why we proposed Open Observability Day and why we are sponsoring it. Open Observability Day will foster collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing about cloud-native observability projects and best practices for addressing observability challenges.  Whether you are new to observability or are a seasoned practitioner, there’s sure to be something to broaden your knowledge of observability.

We hope that you will join us and spend a day peeking under the hood of major Cloud Native Computing Foundation observability-related projects.

If you’d like to submit a topic for presenting at Open Observability Day, the Call for Proposals is open through Monday, August 8.

If you’d like to discuss Fluent Bit and Observability Pipelines with Calyptia, please contact us.

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